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Swapping is the New Shopping

The world produces over 80 billion garments each year; that's 10 pieces of clothing for every person on this planet. Yet, that isn't enough to satiate our appetite for the latest fashion trends or our desire for new clothes, nor does it stop us from throwing away tonnes of clothes each year - just last year alone, Singapore threw away over 150,000 tonnes of textile / leather waste (1).

More clothes means more strain on the Earth's natural resources.

More clothes also means more being thrown away - incinerated or landfilled.

What Can We Do?

Buy less.

Buy only what we need.

Buy from a charity shop, or even swap!

Fashion Revolution Clothes Swap

Fashion Revolution Singapore , together with Connected Threads Asia, TopSwop and Kapok Singapore, held a clothes swap in the heart of Singapore. The response was very positive, and we had close to 1000 pieces of clothing from over 100 participants. By the end of the day, more than 70% of the items were swapped with the rest being donated to The Salvation Army and New2U Thrift Stores.

The Swap definitely got participants thinking about their clothes, and we hope this has started a conversation on how we can make the right consumer choices.

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